

website_about_pic Welcome to my personal website! My name is Derek Will; I currently work in diagnostics at General Motors. Prior to joining the team at General Motors, I worked as the Technical Lead for Software Engineering at a company called Controller Technologies which provided software solutions for the automotive industry with an emphasis in vehicle networking and diagnostics.

I graduated magna cum laude in December 2012 from Wayne State University with a B.S. in Mathematics and minor in Computer Science. The rigor that a degree in mathematics entails is truly a humbling experience. My training in mathematics has prepared me for dealing with a wide range of problems.

Motivation for running this blog

The central aim of this site is to spread knowledge and share the lessons I have learned. In addition, I will showcase some of the side projects that I have done. The secondary aim of this blog is to pay back the help I have received over the years; when learning something new or trying to solve a particular problem, various people on the internet have shared their knowledge and findings with the world and as a result assisted me. I can only hope to return the favor and further my own knowledge by explaining concepts and sharing my own trials and triumphs on this site.

The contents of this blog will largely focus on topics in software development, computer science, and mathematics. I will occasionally post books and other resources that I have personally found very useful. My various points of contact and other web presence locales are listed here as well.

All thoughts and opinions expressed on this site are solely my own and not that of my employer. Also any source code or software obtained from this site is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.